18Players have been helping England’s national governing body for athletics since 2020. We create infographics, videos, updated guidance and a suite of communication materials to help them support their clubs.

Communication with Members is extremely important to England Athletics. 1,342 affiliated clubs and organisations, 126,000 registered club athletes and runners and 16,312 licensed coaches and leaders. That is a lot of communicating. 

So how does EA stay on track? They sometimes pass the baton to us.  

We have been their agency for just under three years now, and the variation of the different projects we get to work on is incredible. More than any other client, this allows us to bring the entire team together and get multiple eyes on each project. 

Guides, Factsheets, Case Studys & Toolkits: 

EA members are volunteers, so reading endless reams of copy in their spare time is not going to happen. But the information is vital to them being effective and compliant in their roles. 

With these projects, we break the copy into smaller sections and lay out the pages so they are easily digestible. We use icons and images and set the reading age of all material to nine years. Accessibility checks are carried out on all work. 


The EA Club Standards: A charter to help clubs with governance and duty of care. So rather than list this out, we produced the club standards poster, giving volunteers a snap shot look at the standards required. 



A recent trip to the English Cross Country Championships served as the perfect setting to highlight the role of a Team Manager. We filmed with leaders of clubs throughout the country with the aim of explaining the role and encouraging future Team Managers 

England Athletics are a great client that we are incredibly grateful to work with. Plus, we are always inspired to go for that jog after work.