18Players assisted XSEM to help develop the award-winning Core Virtual platform
What are the CN Agency Awards?
The CN Agency Awards aspire to recognise the hard work and achievements of the diverse agency sector. From those offering creative experiences to those handling travel arrangements, everyone plays a large role in underlining the value of our industry.
Each award represents a different quality that makes up a unique and successful agency – giving every employee within an event management agency a chance to shine amongst like-minded industry peers.
What is the Innovation Award?
The Innovation Award recognises an agency whose innovative approach underpins all their work, from event conception all the way through to delivery.
Why did XSEM win the award?
XSEM won the award for the development of the Core Virtual events platform.
Where did 18Players fit in?
When established events company Xsem encountered Covid, they were faced with an existential challenge to their successful business.
The solution? Entering into a partnership with 18Players to deliver state-of-the-art virtual conferencing to enable their clients to continue connecting with each other and their customers.
18Players and XSEM partnered to create the Core virtual event platform with the creation of broadcast content, motion graphics, video appointments, Q&A sessions, and much more.
This enabled XSEM to bring their face-to-face conferences into the digital world and continue to create a professional experience for their clients during the COVID-19 pandemic.